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    Yura company is coronavirus HOT SPOT, Nis seeks ASSISTANCE from the state

    In September and October, 68 workers of the Yura company were positive for the coronavirus, which is 60 percent of all the infected individuals in that city, according to the data of the City Headquarters for Emergency Situations in Nis.

    Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic has said that the City Headquarters for Emergency Situations held a meeting today precisely because of the situation in that company, and announced that the City of Nis would request the assistance from the state authorities due to the growing number of the infected in Yura.

    „We cannot make decisions about shutting down factories, certain ministries must be involved, above all the Ministry of Labor, and inspections, primarily the labor inspection and sanitary inspection,“ said Tiodorovic.

    He said that the Nis Public Health Institute offered to help Yura suppress the epidemic.

    „The inspection done by our inspection departments and the Nis Public Health Institute showed that not all the measures were being implemented in Yura. That is why we will ask the Republic for assistance, as certain state authorities must make decisions about this situation, 2,500 people work there,“ Tiodorovic told reporters.

    Epidemiologist of the Public Health Institute, Mirko Ilic, said that the coronavirus also appeared in the Yura Shin Won factory, where eight infected workers have been registered since the end of September.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Beta

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