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    Only 14 months since opening: Repair company wanted for covid hospital

    Fourteen months after the opening of the covid hospital at Miseluk, the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina is looking for a company for repairs and „ongoing maintenance“ of the facility.

    As stated in the tender documentation, the procurement refers to „ongoing maintenance and repairs of hydro-insulation of flat roofs, maintenance of gutters, sheet metal repairs, maintenance of roofs with the necessary cleaning of the facilities of the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina and maintenance of gutters and sheet metal repairs, as well as maintenance of roofs with the necessary cleaning of the facility of the organizational unit of Covid Hospital“.

    The company that gets the job will also deal with sheet metal repairs and maintenance of other facilities of the Clinical Centre. The estimated value of the works is RSD 1,956,000.

    The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina requests a warranty period of two years from the contractor. Procurement is open until November 29.

    Covid hospital at Miseluk was opened a little over a year ago, namely on September 2, 2021. More than eight billion dinars were invested in construction and equipping.

    The construction business through the negotiation procedure was awarded to a group of bidders: Thermomont from Belgrade, Teming Electrotechnology from Nis and Sasa Milosavljevic PR BP Consulting from Krusevac.

    The same consortium also built covid hospitals in Batajnica, Belgrade and Krusevac, and got the business deal of the construction of a vaccine factory.

    Izvor: 021

    Foto: Pixabay

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