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    Minister warns: If we do not take measures, Serbia will have only 5 million people in 2050

    Minister for Family Care Radomir Dmitrovic believes that it is necessary to immediately implement the current measures to stop negative demographic trends.

    Furthermore, he pointed out that it was necessary to create a National Strategy for this, the media reported.

    „There are about 6.8 million inhabitants in Serbia. If we do not stop the negative demographic trends, between 4.5 and five million people will live in Serbia in 2050,“ Dmitrovic said on Twitter.

    Of that number, as he stated, three million will be in Belgrade, and more than a million in Novi Sad and Nis.

    He stated that he saw salvation in the current measures and a national strategy, which should be implemented immediately.

    Izvor: N1, 021

    Foto: Beta/Saša Đorđević

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