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    EPS is categorical: No power restrictions are planned

    Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) has again denied allegations that power restrictions are planned.

    „Elektroprivreda Srbije again announces that the business plans do not provide for electricity restrictions nor are there power cut plans.“

    Although both the Ministry of Mining and Energy and EPS have repeatedly denied such information, inaccurate news is again being spread in the public domain, thus harassing citizens, the company said in a press release.

    Recently, the media in Serbia have been reporting about possible options for electricity restrictions, and that they could last for several hours a day.

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that the biggest European countries would face restrictions, but that he still could not confirm whether Serbia would too.

    Serbia’s energy balance during winter will lack about 500 megawatts of electricity per hour, which is why, according to some sources, restriction plans are already being made, the Danas daily reports.

    So far, none of the officials are ready to confirm it, but rhetoric from the top of the government is increasingly aimed at preparing the public for power cuts during the winter of several hours a day, the portal reported.

    Izvor: Beta, Danas

    Foto: Pixabay

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