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    Minister: Serbia has the most hives per capita on the planet

    Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Jelena Tanaskovic has said that, thanks to state support, Serbia is today the country with the most hives per capita on the planet.

    According to her, the number of hives continues to increase, and the average annual production of honey is over 7,000 tons.

    At the opening of the 23rd International Expert Seminar of Beekeeping Associations in Aleksinac, Tanaskovic assessed that beekeeping had undergone a strong development in recent years, that honey had become a significant export product of Serbia, announcing that the state would continue with incentives for beekeepers in the future.

    She noted that better organization of beekeepers in terms of the purchase and distribution had led to an increase in the number of hives, as export demand had increased.

    She added that the Serbian government had helped the Federation of Beekeeping Organizations of Serbia (SPOS) to open its own plant for the collection and marketing of honey from all over Serbia, which had allowed beekeepers to market their honey themselves.

    Moreover, she pointed out, beekeepers in Serbia, in addition to national incentive measures, could also receive funds based on the competitions that Serbia was implementing in cooperation with the World Bank.

    Izvor: Agencije

    Foto: Pixabay

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