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    Zorana Mihajlović, cena peleta, zima

    Mihajlovic: The price of pellets is LIMITED, the inspection will control it

    The Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, stated that the price of pellets is limited and that inspections will control market participants in the coming period to ensure compliance with measures adopted by the Serbian government.

    She told journalists at Kopaonik that the price of pellets is limited to EUR 320 per tonne, based on the decree passed by the Government, and there are upcoming activities to aid „Srbijasume“ to ensure there is enough raw wood on the market.

    „In addition, the inspection will also control pellet mills and warehouses, because we cannot allow several hundred thousand households to switch to electricity as a source of heating due to problems with other energy-generating products,“ Mihajlovic said during a visit to works on the construction of distribution gas pipeline Aleksandrovac-Novi Pazar-Tutin.

    She added that the state has done everything to ensure there is enough electricity and gas this winter and it has been working on it for a year now.

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: Beta

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