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    Siniša Mali, inflacija

    Here is how much SALARIES WILL RISE for those on the budget: 8% in three sectors, 7% in others

    Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali has announced that the budget for 2022 will be presented to the Government of Serbia tomorrow, which, among other things, provides for an increase in pensions, salaries and minimum wages, as well as record allocations for capital investments.

    „We have planned to increase the salaries of all the employees in the public sector, whereby employees in healthcare, army and social services will receive an increase of about eight percent, and the rest about seven percent, which is an average of about 7.3 percent,“ said Mali.

    He also recalled that from January 1 the minimum wage would be higher by as much as 9.4 percent, and that it would amount to RSD 35,012, which would encourage the rise in the other salaries as well.

    „We have projected that the average salary in Serbia will be 618 euros by the end of the year, and we are fulfilling that promise. The average salary is rising each month,“ said Mali.

    Mali also pointed out that the funds planned in the budget for capital investments had never been higher, amounting to as much as 486 billion dinars. According to him, this confirms that Serbia is stable during the economic crisis and the pandemic and that, as he says, it has money.

    EUR 20 more in December

    The Minister said that citizens could expect an additional amount of EUR 20 of assistance in December, and he recalled that all those who applied for 30 plus 30 euros did not need to apply again, since the assistance would be automatically paid into their accounts.

    He also explained that those who did not apply, and who in the meantime became adults, could apply for the assistance from November 15 to 30.

    Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali has announced that the budget for 2022 will be presented to the Government of Serbia tomorrow, which, among other things, provides for an increase in pensions, salaries and minimum wages, as well as record allocations for capital investments.

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: Beta/Slobodan Miljević

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