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    eCommerce Association joined by regional leader in online entertainment industry

    The eCommerce Association of Serbia founded in 2018 still has the support of over 100 companies from different industries and different profiles, and together they form an important segment of the digital ecosystem, because they all implement an internet business model that complies with the highest standards, where attention is paid to both customer protection and the social responsibility of digital business.

    One of these companies is the regional leader in the entertainment industry – gaming and sports betting services – Meridianbet.

    Meridianbet is a brand under which Meridian Tech d.o.o. operates, as a part of the Merdian Gaming Group, which operates on over 40 markets in Europe, Africa and South America and has more than 3 million customers worldwide. In Southeast Europe alone, Meridian employs over 1000 experts in software engineering, digital marketing, human resources and sales.

    “Meridian is the first betting brand to become a member of the most prestigious domestic digital community. This recognition is not only confirmation of our company’s leading position on the games of chance market, but also an indication that the model of internet business that we apply is in line with the highest European standards when it comes to client protection and social responsibility in internet business. The objectives of the eCommerce Association are fully in line with the corporate practice that we apply as a company worldwide and will be a generator of further growth of operations and business reputation of the Meridian Group,“ said Damjan Stamenkovic, Head of Marketing.

    Izvor: BIZLife

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