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    Desecrated mural with the image of Patriarch Pavle reconstructed (PHOTO)

    The mural with the image of the former Patriarch Pavle in Skenderbegova Street in Belgrade, which was repainted and desecrated over the weekend, has been restored in the meantime.

    Namely, the photo published on social networks showed that the patriarch’s face was painted pink in the night hours during the weekend, while a derogatory message was written over the part of the mural on which the Serbian flag is located.

    The unknown perpetrators wrote „not Gojko“ next to Patriarch’s message „Let us be humans“, alluding to the secular name of the former patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

    In the meantime, the mural has been repainted, i.e. restored which can be seen in the photos as well:

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: BIZLife

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