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    Novac, Minimalna cena rada (Unsplash)

    Declaration on SALARY SUFFICIENT FOR LIVING: What is requested from the state and what is requested from companies

    The declaration on a salary sufficient for living was supported by 1,000 people in Serbia within a week, according to the Center for Emancipation Policies, which initiated its signing.

    University professors Zoran Stojiljkovic, Todor Kuljic, Jovo Bakic, Djokica Jovanovic, Vesna Lopicic, Predrag Cveticanin, Nada Sekulic, Ivana Spasic, Adriana Zakarivic, musician Rambo Amadeus, actors Mirjana Karanovic, Tihomir Stanic and Branislav Trifunovic, playwrights Tanja Sljivar and Olga Dimitrijevic, writer Igor Stiks, journalists Iva Paradjanin Lilic and Tamara Srijemac signed the declaration.

    The declaration on a salary sufficient for living was initiated in June this year, and it has so far been signed by four trade unions and 23 associations.

    According to the statement, the declaration starts from the Constitution, which says that Serbia is a state based on the rule of law and social justice, in which human dignity is unrivalled. The Constitution of Serbia also guarantees that everyone has the right to free development, respect for personal dignity at work and fair remuneration for work.

    Human right to a salary sufficient for living

    The state is required to introduce the category of a salary sufficient for living as a measure of dignified living in official statistics, as well as to introduce the category of a salary sufficient for living in the Labour Law in order to harmonize the minimum price of labour with the real costs of living and the needs of workers.

    Companies are required to take public, concrete and measurable steps to ensure the payment of a salary sufficient for living along the entire production chain within a reasonable period of time, said the Centre for Emancipation Policies.

    According to the report (CPE), the salary required for a decent life in Serbia amounts to a little more than RSD 114,000, i.e. EUR 980.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Unsplash

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