Zijin DENIES employing Chinese OFFENDERS

The company Zijin denied allegations that it employs Chinese citizens in Bor who have been sentenced to prison in their country, on which the web portal „Ist media“ wrote previously.

„The allegations that the company Zijin employs a large number of Chinese people who have been sentenced to prison in their country, and who cause problems to one another, are untrue.

„Zijin is a renowned multinational company which, due to the nature of the work it conducts (exploitation of precious metals), conducts a rigorous selection of its employees and business partners,“ Zijin said in a statement.

The company issued the statement reacting to the article „Chinese employees in Bor based company Zijin started a fight, one got stabbed with a knife“.

Zijin also reports that the people involved in the conflict, Chinese citizens Ch. D. (33) and M. J. (43) are not employed in the company Zijin.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: Beta

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