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    Will there be power OUTAGES? EPS responds to Poslovni dnevnik

    Elektroprivreda Srbije‘s business plans do not include  power outages, as the media in the region report, nor could anyone from EPS give such unverified information, it is stated in EPS’s response to the question about the reports by the Croatian portal „Poslovni dnevnik“ that power outages are planned in Serbia as of January.

    Zagreb-based portal has announced, referring to „a well-informed source from EPS“, that power outages are possible in Serbia from November this year until January next year.

    According to the same source, in the event of the deterioration on the electricity market in Europe, restrictions are planned for six hours a day, evenly distributed over EPS’s five distribution areas.

    According to Poslovni dnevnik, it will be ensured that distribution areas 1 – Novi Sad and 2 – Belgrade have outages only at night.

    The main reason is the shortage of coal from the Kolubara mine, according to Poslovni dnevnik, which can result in a shortage of seven million tons in the near future, so it will be necessary to import better quality coal.

    This applies only to the planned outages, and not to emergency outages, which are also possible, due to the poor technical status of TPP Nikola Tesla (TENT), as well as high transmission losses, the article reads.

    In the first quarter of this year, the production of electricity in TPP Nikola Tesla was 8,332 GWh and it was 21 percent lower compared to the same period in 2021, the article says.

    Izvor: BIZLife/Poslovni dnevnik, N1

    Foto: Pixabay

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