Who is the best e-merchant in Serbia?

The E-commerce Association of Serbia is organizing the first award ceremony for the most successful companies in the field of e-commerce in Serbia. Applications are free and open until November 26

One of the few areas of business that flourished during the pandemic is e-commerce. In accordance with a large number of new companies that appeared on the market, and in order to mark the success of the pioneers of e-commerce in our area, the eCommerce Association of Serbia is organizing the first award ceremony called Hot Spot eCommerce Awards 2021.

The „Customer in the Online Commerce Centre“ is the guiding slogan of the award ceremony organized by the eCommerce Association of Serbia. Ecommerce experienced a complete boom during the 2020 pandemic but the real challenge was to maintain the level of quality, improve, innovate and all this for the purpose of customer satisfaction. To award all those who have worked to improve the digital ecosystem in the past year, ECS has launched the annual HotSpot Awards.


Izvor: BIZLife

Foto: E-commerce asocijacija Srbije

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