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    Radna mesta

    Vucic: Jadar project will not be withdrawn

    President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has said that the Jadar project will not be withdrawn, although „some opposition politicians“ requested that.

    During the visit to the Clinical-Hospital Centre in Novi Pazar, Vucic said that the politicians who opposed the Jadar project were actually the same politicians that had brought the project to Serbia.

    „That project is remaining and it will not be withdrawn. They brought it, and we did everything that the people asked for, and that is it,“ he said.

    President of the Together for Serbia party, Nebojsa Zelenovic, said that the authorities were given a deadline until January 7 to „delete“ the Jadar project, stating that the withdrawal of the Expropriation Act was not sufficient, because Rio Tinto was now putting pressure on people to sell their property.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Beta/Predsedništvo Srbije/Dimitrije Goll

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