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    Novac, valute, zarada

    Trade Union requests: Teachers should have salaries of RSD 96,000

    The Union of Education Workers of Serbia (USPRS) has announced that the state should provide a salary of RD 96,000 to teachers with university degrees, because education is faced with a shortage of professional staff.

    The union warns that education and healthcare workers are under attack of the coronavirus all the time.

    „Given that employees in education, along with medical workers, are constantly exposed to the coronavirus, it is not surprising that in every school in Serbia between 10 and 30 percent of employees are out of the system, due to infection, isolation or self-isolation“, the press release of the USPRS reads.

    According to the representatives of that union, they are advocating that the salary ratio should be 1:3, with the minimum salaries for auxiliary workers in education and cleaners of approximately RSD 32,000, and for administrative staff RSD 64,000. The coefficient of three would be given to all school employees with university degrees, so their salary would be RSD 96,000.

    „On this occasion, we would like to advise the public that it is almost impossible to find substitute teachers for schools. One of the reasons for this is the salary of employees, which is again below the national average for the profession with the highest percentage of the most educated individuals in our country,“ the statement reads.

    The trade union notes that employment in primary and secondary schools is not attractive to young people. In addition to the staff that has been scarce for a long time now, such as teachers of mathematics, computer science, physics and foreign languages, schools now also lack lecturers of the native language and grade teachers as well.

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: BIZLife

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