„Tighten measures immediately, let’s not wait 14 days“

A member of the Crisis Staff for the Fight against the Coronavirus, infectious disease specialist Mijomir Pelemis, stated that we must not wait 14 days to analyse the effect of the current measures, which were recently adopted.

„Long before December 1st, today or tomorrow, we must analyse, not the effects of measures, but the epidemiological situation, and if we do not see an improvement, we should immediately tighten the measures,“ Pelemis stated with the Vecernje Novosti daily newspaper.

Tightening the measures could mean further shortening of workhours of caterers and traders, reorientation to work from home, limiting the number of people in public transport and increasing the distance, which would then mean that more than the current four square meters per person must be secured in bars.

We are already in the situation that 1,500 new patients with COVID have to be hospitalized every day, so even though majority of those hospitalized are over the age of 50, Professor Pelemis is angry about the misconception that this infection is the most dangerous for pensioners.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: Beta

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