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    „SHOCKINGLY POOR“ response of young people to the INVITATION to be inoculated

    Provincial Secretary of Health, Zoran Gojkovic said that members of the Crisis Staff of the Government of Serbia for Suppression of the Epidemic asked the organizers and coordinators of large festivals to appeal to young people to get inoculated, but that the response of young people was not as expected.

    Gojkovic said that the response of young people to those calls was „strikingly bad“ and that „we have to work on it, all together.“

    Gojkovic said that the response of young people to those appeals was „shockingly poor“ and „we have to work on it, all together.“

    Following the session of the Crisis Staff of the Government of Serbia, at which epidemiological restrictions were eased but festivals were not allowed, Gojkovic said that there was no legal possibility to deny citizens who are not inoculated the privileges that those who were inoculated can use.

    Izvor: Agencije

    Foto: Beta

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