Serbia „LIES“ on USD 200 billion

The value of confirmed mineral reserves in Serbia is close to US$200 billion and the task of the state is to create conditions for mining to develop, said Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic.

„What we are looking for is that the state and citizens benefit from it, through the healthy environment, higher income, employment and quality investments,“ the minister said as a guest on Happy TV.

She noted that the main goal of the amendments to the Law on Mining and Geological Explorations was for this field to develop, and for the state to have higher revenues from that field, and to attract quality investments in mining.

She added that the amendments to the Law would take into account the mineral wealth of Serbia and enable all the procedures to be transparent and efficient and to prevent any kind of abuse.

„We want to create conditions for mining to develop and that is why we are introducing e-mining in order to have more efficient and simpler procedures. „However, we want no one to be privileged if they want to explore and then exploit an ore, and that is why we will propose to shorten the duration of exploration rights, instead of allowing someone to do it for eight or nine years and to occupy a certain area,“ she said.

The Minister emphasized that the mineral wealth of Serbia would thus be taken into account.

Izvor: RTV, Tanjug

Foto: Beta

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