Rush to buy cheap real estate in the neighbourhood, square meter LESS than EUR 1

When it comes to buying real estate, in the last few months, there has been great interest in Lika, and old houses, demolished rural properties, development land are being bought.

This is quite understandable, having in mind the rather low prices of fertile agricultural soil, ranging from HRK 1 to 2 per square meter, Slobodna Dalmacija reports.

Apart from cheap land, there are also houses for adaptation that can be purchased for twenty thousand euros, and the increased interest is determined by the fear of the coronavirus, which led people to invest in land, in the production of their food.

According to this newspaper, citizens of Dalmatia are not the only ones in the game, and recently the citizens of Zagreb have been fleeing to Lika, in fear of a devastating earthquake. For hundreds of thousands of kunas, they quickly become the owners of beautiful houses in the area from Gospic to Karlobag, with fertile soil and a forest nearby.

„I think I am the only man in the world who wants the coronavirus to rage for at least five more years. Because since it came, the business in my real estate agency, the only one left in Lika, has been blooming. For six to seven years, I have been noticing the increased interest of the citizens of Dalmatia in buying real estate or land in the area from Otocac to Gospic, literally in entire Lika. However, in the last few coronavirus-months, in my agency alone, we have completed about eighty sales. The citizens of Dalmatia are buying agricultural land en masse, they are attracted by the low price, and all the locations generate interest. If I were to make a comparison, agricultural land is sold even better than houses and properties,“ says Ivan Bizanovic, the owner of the Lika nekretnine agency.

Izvor: Slobodna Dalmacija

Foto: Pixabay

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