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    Minister boasts of “low unemployment rate” in Geneva

    Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs Darija Kisic has pointed out at the session of the International Labour Organization in Geneva that Serbia is among the few countries that made economic progress and reduced the unemployment rate during the covid 19 pandemic.

    „Thanks to the responsible economic policy of the Government of Serbia and the continuous economic activity, which is also characterized by the arrival of a large number of foreign investors, the opening of new factories and jobs, Serbia has managed to reduce the unemployment rate to a single-digit, historical minimum, which is the best result in the past few decades,“ Kisic said.

    She added that Serbia, in order to monitor and adapt to the specific needs of the labour market, continued to work on reforms in the education sector and to increase the number of retraining sessions for the unemployed, in cooperation with the National Employment Service.

    „The regulation and improvement of the system, achieving safe and healthy working conditions, which, to the greatest possible extent, ensure the reduction of injuries at work and occupational diseases, will remain one of the priorities of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs in the upcoming period,“ Kisic said, adding that the new Law on Occupational Safety and Health, based on the prevention of injuries and diseases, had been drafted for that purpose.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Beta

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