After BLASTING THE MOUNTAIN, Zijin issues statement: It was a precautionary measure

After the „Eko straza“ movement has posted videos showing the blasting of the Starica Mountain near Majdanpek, under which there are residential buildings, the Zijin company issued a statement.

The company said that the blasting on the territory of the municipality of Majdanpek was carried out as part of the precautionary measures due to the rehabilitation of the dangerous rock mass on the Starica Mountain.

„All works were duly reported to the competent institutions and were carried out in accordance with the order of the mining and geological inspection,“ the statement says. As explained, the mining and geological inspection and security experts previously inspected the high and steep slope of Starica Mountain and found a large number of cracks in the rock mass, which could result in a sudden collapse.

It has been established that the cracks on the cliff facing the city were over 100 meters long and about 30 centimeters wide and required urgent rehabilitation, Zijin said.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: YT Scrn

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