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    Beogradske elektrane

    Mihajlovic: Heating from October 15, PM: No need before the end of the month

    Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said after the session of the task force for monitoring the security of energy supply and energy products that all the entities in the country’s energy system were ready for the beginning of the heating season and that there was no reason for postponement.

    Everyone is ready, there is enough energy products, gas and fuel oil. The good news is that EPS has not imported electricity for several days, the Ministry said.

    „When we talk about the heating season, the business association Toplane Srbije (Heating Plants of Serbia) and Beogradske elektrane, as well as EPS, Elektromreze Srbije, Elektrodistribucija Srbije, Srbijagas, the Directorate for Energy Reserves are fully ready for the beginning of the heating season in accordance with the Law on Energy andeverything is ready for the heating season to start on October 15,“ Mihajlovic said.

    Brnabic on the forecast in the next few days

    Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said today that, according to forecasts, temperatures by the end of October would be higher than average and that there would be no need for district heating, but that decisions on the beginning of the heating season were made by local self-governments.

    “We are ready for the heating season, there are plenty of energy products. It would be inefficient in terms of energy and irrational if we turned on heating when the temperature was 22 degrees Celsius. There is no need for warm trials to begin and for district heating to start before the end of October,“ Brnabic told reporters.

    She added that decisions on the beginning of the heating season would be made by local self-governments, as the temperature would not be the same in all parts of the country.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Pixabay

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