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    „I am an optimist, I believe that we will welcome 2023 without masks“

    Epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Predrag Kon, has said that he is „optimistic“ and that he hopes that the citizens will welcome 2023 without masks.

    As Kon told TV Kurir, the virus will be present even then, but it will not be as intense as it is now.

    He said that it would be „useful“ for the winter break to start earlier, but that the Crisis Staff would say the exact date.

    „We are talking about this year’s winter break starting earlier, but the Ministry of Education should also be organized. It does not have to happen before Saint Nicholas Day,“ he said.

    An epidemiologist and a member of the Crisis Staff warns that students should go on vacation before our citizens from abroad start returning to Serbia for the holidays.

    Kon also referred to the statement of the World Health Organization that by March 2022, 700,000 more people across Europe would die from the consequences of covid.

    The epidemiologist states that the real number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic is between 10 and 20 million, because subsequent analyses always show that the number of deaths is higher.

    Izvor: Kurir

    Foto: Beta/Vlada Srbije/Slobodan Miljević

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