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    How big is our DEFICIT in seven months of this year?

    The budget deficit of Serbia in the seven months of this year amounted to RSD 39.6 billion, because the revenues were RSD 844.8 billion, and the expenditures 884.4 billion, the Ministry of Finance said today.

    In July alone, a surplus of RSD 35.9 billion was realized.

    In July, revenues in the amount of RSD 148.7 billion were paid, and of that amount, tax revenues amounted to RSD 133.3 billion.
    Serbia’s public debt by the end of July this year amounted to EUR 28.36 billion, and this accounted for 55.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). At the end of June, the public debt was EUR 28.26 billion, i.e. 55 percent of GDP.

    At the end of last year, Serbia’s public debt amounted to EUR 26.66 billion, i.e. 57.4 percent of GDP.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: BIZLife

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