
Government extends Regulation validity: Price of „Sava“ bread remains RSD 53.5

The Government of Serbia has extended the duration of the regulation regulating the maximum price of bread made of type 500 flour. Thus, a loaf of “Sava” bread of half a kilogram will still cost a maximum of RSD 53.50.

At today’s session, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the amended Regulation on mandatory production and sale of bread, which limits the price of this food for 60 more days, in order to prevent major disruptions and preserve the standard of living of the population,“ it was announced after the Government session.

This bread is made of T-500 flour, at least 500 grams in weight, which is made according to the provisions of this Regulation with the following basic ingredients: 370 grams of T-500 flour, 7.4 grams of salt, 9.25 grams of yeast and 1.48 grams of additive (for a loaf weighing 500 grams), the media report.

Izvor: BIZLife

Foto: Pixabay

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