Foundation stone laid, Serbia gets „dry port“ (VIDEO)

Belgrade is getting an intermodal terminal, which encourages the development of modern combined merchandize transport by increasing the participation of railways and creating a partnership with road transport. This way, the railway becomes more competitive on the market, at the same time following all future tendencies in transport by using modern technologies.

The Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic has expressed gratitude to the European Union and member states for funds that will enable construction of this facility.

This will mean a lot to Serbia. There will be a kind of wider logistics centre here, where merchandize can be transhipped from trucks to trains, the so-called „dry port“. Vienna has three such terminals, there are over a hundred in the entire Germany. This is a condition without which we cannot move forward, primarily because of work, because of the profit difference for enterprises, but also because of the lower price for ordinary people, for ordinary consumers. It is also important because it is part of the environmental protection program, for greener Serbia, something that we signed and accepted at the recently held Sofia Summit“, the Serbian President says.

This terminal, that will multiply the current combined transport capacity in Serbia, is located in the industrial zone in Batajnica, and the total investment is EUR 15.5 million, of which the EU funds 90% through grants, while the remaining amount is financed by the Republic of Serbia.

Izvor: BIZLife

Foto: EU info centar

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