Euromoney: CBS International and Cushman & Wakefield Group the best in the real estate market

Leading real estate services firm CBS International and its global partner, Cushman & Wakefield Group, have officially confirmed their leadership position and, according to selection of the renowned Euromoney magazine, have been named the best consultants in all competitive categories.

The company CBS International triumphantly marked this year’s selection of the most successful in its business segment, winning first place in all four categories: best real estate consultant; the best expert team in real estate valuation; the best consulting firm in the field of real estate brokerage and real estate leasing; the best consulting firm in field of real estate market research.

Of particular interest is the fact that this year’s winner at the global level, in the very same categories, is Cushman & Wakefield Group, which partner is the company CBS International, and thus international associates have unified local and global domination and crowned their cooperation in the best possible way.

The Euromoney magazine, a reputable international financial publication, has been organizing voting for the 15th consecutive year, in which readers, representatives of top management of global corporations, financial institutions and well-known companies of more than 75 countries choose the best consultants, investors and institutions on the local and global market.

Izvor: BIZLife

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