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    No flights to New York via Air Serbia for two weeks – regular maintenance

    The company Air Serbia has announced that its aircraft flying between Belgrade and New York will not be in service from September 24th to October 6th, due to regular technical maintenance.

    The technical maintenance of the „Airbus A330“ is conducted every two years and two dates have been offered, and Air Serbia has opted for a period in which the aircraft has fewer flights and the lowest number of passengers that will be affected by these changes. Because of that, passengers from four flights on the Belgrade-New York-Belgrade route will be transferred to flights of other companies, or they will be offered a refund.

    Passengers have been notified of the changes, and for any additional information company’s Contact Centre is at their disposal (011 311 21 23 or 0800 111 528).

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: Beta

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