oko sokolovo

Citizens of Zemun wrote to the authorities: „Hawk Eye“ PRESCRIBES FINES, but people have nowhere to park

In the last two weeks, many tenants of Karadjordjeva Street in Zemun received several fines from the Community Service Police and the „Hawk Eye“ system for improper parking.  For that reason, the presidents of the assemblies of 15 housing communities, who represent more than 2,500 tenants, sent two petitions and requests to the authorities in the City Assembly.

„The requests that were sent include: introduction of the Zone System of the PUC Parking Servis, removal of a large number of cars unregistered for more than 6 months, cessation of the sanctioning of parking on the odd-numbered side of Stevana Markovica and Karadjordjeva streets and the even-numbered side of Avijaticarski trg, the removal of obstructions from the marked parking spaces and the blue zone occupied by illegal summer gardens and flower pots,“ it is stated in the press release of the housing communities of Karadjordjeva Street 1-21.

As it is further stated, although they pay for a monthly parking ticket in the blue zone, which stretches along the sidewalk of the even-numbered side of Karadjordjeva Street, the number of parking spaces still does not cover the basic needs of the tenants from this street.. In addition, as they say, 13-15 parking spaces are illegally occupied by temporary commercial properties located along the street.

With the beginning of the use of the „Hawk Eye“ system, the citizens who live in Karadjordjeva Street hoped that the problems related to parking would be solved. However, the opposite happened.

„Instead of sanctioning unscrupulous drivers parked in front of fast food kiosks, the Community Service Police sanctioned the tenants who have been parking their cars on the sidewalk of the odd-numbered side of Karadjordjeva Street for several decades,“ they state.

Izvor: BIZLife

Foto: Beta/Branislav Božović

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