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    Belgrade BUDGET adopted, RSD 160 billion „balanced“

    Councillors of the Belgrade Assembly have adopted the budget for 2022, which amounts to more than RSD 160 billion. The City budget amounts to 146.3 billion dinars, and the budgets of city municipalities is 14 billion.

    Public spending next year will be increased compared to this year by 10.3 billion dinars, i.e. seven percent. RSD 54.6 billion is allocated for transport and transport infrastructure, which is 37.3 percent of the total budget.

    The amount of about RSD 28 billion is provided for pre-school, primary and secondary education, more than RSD 5.5 billion for environmental protection, and RSD 6.6 billion for culture.

    According to Mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radijicic, the budget for next year is balanced, stable and it will enable further development of the capital.

    The Assembly of Belgrade agreed with the business programs of 31 public utility companies, public companies and for-profit corporations whose founder and owner is the City of Belgrade.

    As Undersecretary of Finance Milomir Djurovic pointed out in the explanation, the planned revenues of all these companies amount to around EUR 910 million.

    Planned investments in 2022 in all the companies founded by the City amount to RSD 35.9 billion. These companies have about 18,940 employees.

    „Except for two companies, all the others presented business plans with a positive income,“ said Djurovic.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Beta

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