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    Siniša Mali

    Assistance to businesses and citizens EUR 2.3 billion for now

    Minister of Finance, Sinisa Mali, has said that since the beginning of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the state has helped the economy and citizens with RSD 278.64 billion, i.e. EUR 2.3 billion, through direct payments and tax exemption. Announcing the payment of the third minimum wage for 1,042,114 employees in the total amount of RSD 31 billion, he said that the state had so far helped businesses with three minimum wages in the amount of RSD 94 billion, i.e. about EUR 800 million. „With the payment of this third minimum wage, we covered a period of three months, although the state of emergency and the inability to do business lasted twice as short. I hope that we helped both the employers and employees. Employers maintained the necessary liquidity and provided funds for the payment of wages. On the other hand, employees kept their jobs. Now we are facing a joint fight – to preserve the existing jobs,“ said Mali, the Ministry of Finance announced. The minister said that the amounts of deferred payments of taxes and contributions, the minimum wages paid to businesses, as well as the money provided by the state through the Development Fund and to citizens in the form of one-time assistance of 100 euros, all add up to about RSD 278.64 billion i.e. just over EUR 2.3 billion.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Beta

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