As of November 1, the average pension will be higher by RSD 2,787.

The MPs of the Serbian Parliament adopted the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, which harmonized pensions by nine percent as of November 1, the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund announced.

As stated by the Fund, financial benefits are also adjusted by the same percentage. It is added that the average pension increased by RSD 2,787, and that the lowest pension for users from the category of employees and independent activities amounts to RSD 18,404.58.

The highest pension for all beneficiaries as of November 1 is RSD 169,512.30.

In addition, the financial compensation for the assistance and care of the second person for the first group (100 percent) amounts to RSD 22,030 as of November 1 of this year, while the monetary compensation for physical damage for users with 100 percent of damage resulting from injury at work or occupational disease amounts to RSD 9,179.33.

The monetary compensation of funeral expenses for all categories of insured persons (employees, independent activities, farmers) from November 1 is RSD 50,721.

Izvor: Danas

Foto: BIZLife

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