All about COVID PASSES: From Saturday at 10 pm in all hospitality facilities

The Crisis Staff has made a decision to introduce a covid pass due to the epidemiological situation with the coronavirus in Serbia, and that decision will take effect on Saturday, October 23, at 10 pm, and it will apply to all indoor hospitality facilities, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced.

This applies to all hospitality facilities and covid passes will be mandatory in restaurants, cafes, bars and all similar facilities. Covid passes will also be valid for weddings and other festivities organized indoors after 10 pm.

A valid covid certificate is confirmation of the second or third dose of the vaccine.

A requirement is that no more than 210 days have passed, when it comes to the second dose.

Moreover, even those who do not want to be vaccinated can visit indoor facilities.

After 10 pm, they can enter all these facilities either with a PCR test not older than 72 hours, an antigen test not older than 48 hours or confirmation of the disease in the last seven months.

After 10 pm on Saturday, you will not be able to be in indoor facilities without a valid covid pass, the Prime Minister said after the session of the Crisis Staff.

Izvor: Agencije, BIZLife

Foto: Beta/Vlada Srbije/Slobodan Miljević

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