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    Proslava desetogodišnjice obrazovne mreže Mikroekonomije konkurentnosti Harvarda, čiji je FEFA član

    Krajem 2012. godine izdat je zbornik radova povodom deset godina postojanja Mreže obrazovnih ustanova koje se bave Mikroekonomijom konkurentnosti u okviru Instituta za strategiju i konkurentnost Harvard biznis škole, a koja obuhvata blizu 60 univerziteta i fakulteta iz celog sveta.

    Objavljeno je samo šest izabranih radova iz svih institucija među kojima je i članak profesora FEFA: Nebojše Savića, Gorana Pitića i Snežane Konjikušić pod naslovom: „Relative Competitive Position of East European Countries in 2011“.

    Zbornik možete preuzeti ovde.

    The current Global Recession points to an even greater need to improve competitiveness. Due to the fact that competitiveness is the key indicator of sustainable economic growth with a direct impact on the standard of living, we analysed the regional competitiveness of eight South East European (SEE-8) countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia). The comparison was made with a group of six Central and East European (CEE-6) countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia). By using the New Global Competitiveness Index methodology, we made competitiveness profiles for SEE-8 and CEE-6 comparing 2008 and 2011. During the Great Recession, SEE-8 improved their competitiveness. Progress was made by Albania, FYR Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Bulgaria, while deterioration in their position was recorded by Croatia, Serbia and Romania. The most significant competitive advantages of SEE-8 lie in administrative, communication and innovation infrastructure within the factor conditions. On the other hand, there are numerous disadvantages, primarily in logistical infrastructure as well as in a part of administrative and innovation infrastructure and in capital market infrastructure. Apart from these weaknesses in the factor conditions of the diamond, CEE-8 especially displays competitive disadvantages in the second part of the diamond, in the context for strategy and rivalry, due to very unfavourable rankings in terms of the intensity of local competition and extent of market dominance, cooperation in labour-employer relations, restrictions on capital flows, etc. Thus, in order to reduce the competitiveness gap relative to CEE-6, SEE-8 must: (i) upgrade underdeveloped logistical infrastructure and a part of administrative infrastructure; (ii) eliminate market dominance and the strengthening of local competition, (iii) strengthen existing clusters which have not yet been linked into strong regional clusters and (iv) eliminate weaknesses in doing business and corruption.


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