Two priorities for the new Serbian government: Here is what the World Bank recommends

The World Bank has announced data for the region stating that 139,000 jobs had been lost by June. They also estimated that additional 300,000 people had become poor in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia, and that pressure on the labor market was expected in the coming period due to the coronavirus.

Head of the World Bank Office in Serbia, Stephen Ndegwa, has recommended two priorities for the new Serbian government – consolidation of the health system and continuation of reforms.

In the Dnevnik TV show on RTS TV, Stephen Ndegwa pointed out that the healthcare system should be consolidated first so that it could respond to the pandemic as it did last time.

Ndegwa then said that it was necessary to continue with the reforms, in order for Serbia to return to high growth rates.

He specified that the reforms should be related to small and medium-sized enterprises, ecology, tax administration.

The director of the World Bank Office in Serbia said that we should work aggressively towards results, because, as he noted, there were some delays in the previous government in some areas.

„Reforms should be forced with the new team so that Serbia could continue to grow,“ Ndegwa said.

He said the economy was slower, but that Serbia recorded better results than the countries of the Western Balkans and that it had strong foundations because the situation was fiscally sound.

„Now is the opportunity to move to the next level,“ Ndegwa said.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: Pixabay

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