THE WORST reason for price increases: „Prices are rising due to DEFICIT IN THE BUDGET“

The price increases that consumers in Serbia will face after the New Year, as well as those that have already burdened their household budget, are a consequence of price increases that are not based on market circumstances, but state’s tendency to fill the budget deficit, interlocutors of the Danas daily newspaper are of an opinion.

The list of products that have become more expensive or have yet to become more expensive is long. Thus, one of the most basic foodstuffs, such as cooking oil, had a price increase twice, first in October and then again in November, in the total amount of around 13 percent.

The increase in the price of sunflower on the market by 25 percent compared to 2019 was listed as a reason for the increase in the price of cooking oil, so consumers pay RSD 130 to RSD 160 for a litre.

There will be an increase in the price of cigarettes by RSD 10 per pack in January, due to an increase in excise, based on which state will take RSD 76.7 per pack instead of RSD 74.5. This will cause cigarette prices in Serbia to range between RSD 270 and RSD 400 at the beginning of 2021.

Next year, there will also be an increase in retail fuel prices, which is justified by the increase in the price of crude oil on global markets, thus it is expected that the price of gasoline at gas stations in Serbia will increase by two to four dinars per litre.

What consumers can also expect after the New Year is an increase in the price of electricity by around 3.4 percent. Residents of Novi Sad will also pay a higher tax in 2021, as well as a new monthly fee of RSD 118. Also, some banking services could become more expensive.

Izvor: Danas

Foto: Pixabay

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