Valute, dinar, zarada

State increases NON-TAXABLE PART of salary by RSD 2,000

The Government of Serbia is proposing a reduction in the tax burden on salaries, so it plans to increase the non-taxable part to RSD 18,300 instead of RSD 16,300 from the beginning of next year, it is stated in the Draft Law on the Budget of Serbia for 2021.

It is noted that the loss of general government revenue based on that measure in 2021 is estimated at around RSD 8 billion. It is added that the direct loss in the budget is estimated at RSD 1.3 billion, the loss of the local government at RSD 4.1 billion, and the rest refers to the revenues of compulsory insurance funds.

It is estimated that the direct impact on state budget revenues is not significant, but through the expenditure side, through transfers to other levels of government, it is reflected in the result.

The measure is expected to reduce the tax burden on average net earnings by 0.5% next year.

Izvor: BIZlife

Foto: BIZLife

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