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    Sloga: Data on average salary – manipulation

    The Association of Trade Unions of Serbia Sloga claims that the data on the average January net salary in Serbia of RSD 82,769 is another manipulation that does not show the true state and economic situation of workers, but serves exclusively as poor marketing manipulation of the authorities.

    The Sloga Trade Union pointed out that manipulating the amount of average salary caused great damage to the economy, and urged the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia to review the way in which statistical data on salaries were collected, processed and presented, because with such results they were participating in the reckless and dishonorable deception of citizens.

    „In order to improve the position of workers, their salaries and purchasing power, Sloga proposes introducing greater transparency in the process of calculating statistics and involving trade unions, the public and independent economic experts in the consideration of the situation and the adoption of economic policies that affect salaries and working conditions,“ it is said in a press release.

    The trade union requests an urgent review of the minimum wage and new harmonization, but not with the consumer basket, but with realistic living conditions, in order to ensure the dignified existence of all workers, since, as it is estimated, most people in Serbia do not live off the average salary of manipulative statistics.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Pixabay

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