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School in Serbia faces CLOSURE: „Pupils became infected at birthday and patron saint celebrations“

At Karadjordje High School in Raca, three classes will be isolated due to the coronavirus, and pupils will attend online classes. This school is also facing complete closure and transition to online classes, which would be the first such case in Serbia since the beginning of the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

As president of the municipality Nenad Savkovic said for the Blic daily, „such a proposal was sent to the Ministry today after the meeting“, and if the infection continued to spread among the pupils, the entire school, with a total of 11 classes, would be closed, reports the Blic daily.

„These pupils probably got infected at birthday and patron saint celebrations. It is difficult to ban such gatherings to these children. There is a possibility that the entire school will be closed and that everyone will attend classes over the Internet,“ said Nenad Savkovic.

Izvor: Blic

Foto: Pixabay

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