Power restrictions in Kosovo continue

The operator of the system, transmission, and electricity market of Kosovo (KOSTT) announced that the power restrictions will continue until the energy situation stabilizes.

In a press release, KOSTT stated that restrictions may vary on daily basis, depending on the load.

It is emphasized that, for schedules of specific restrictions, once should contact the electricity distribution company KEDS.

„The state of the energy crisis with which Kosovo’s electric power system is facing, and which, among other things, is a reflection of the global energy crisis, will be easier to overcome with the support of all citizens, through as rational as possible use of electricity and energy saving“, stated KOSTT.

The Ministry of Economy of Kosovo, which is responsible for the supply of electricity, announced two days ago that an agreement was reached between the Kosovo Electricity Corporation and the Albanian Electricity Distribution Company to secure the missing amounts of electricity. However, despite this, the restrictions in Kosovo continue.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: Pixabay

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