No agreement between trade union and Zijin, protest on Thursday
The negotiations between the representative trade unions of Serbia Zijin Copper company and the management on postponing the implementation of the new work rulebook, which provides for a linear salary increase, and not based on the growth of inflation and the proposal of the Socio-Economic Council, were not successful even after four hours of talks.
The trade unions announced a protest of the employees on Tuesday at 3 pm in front of the general directorate of Zijin in Bor, but there will be no work stoppage due to the specific conditions of the production process in that company.
Their requests are a salary increase of 14.3 percent, instead of a linear increase of about RSD 5,000, as suggested by the management of Zijin. There are also objections to the management’s attitude towards the occupationally disabled and the union’s working conditions.
President of the mining and energy trade union „Nezavisnost“ Caslav Gavric has told Ist media that the negotiations were difficult and they lasted from 10 am to 2 pm, but the employer did not want to give in.
„We suggested postponing the implementation of the new rulebook, which is harmful for employees, for at least a year, to wait for the adoption of the financial plan for the following year and the completion of the systematization before the signing of a new collective agreement, but the employer rejected our proposals,“ Gavric said.
The management of Zijin considers the proposed work rulebook, which is disputable for the trade unions, fairer, because otherwise, as they explained, the difference in income would be to the detriment of workers directly employed in production.
The company reiterated that no one’s salary would be reduced by even a cent and that the claims that due to the work rulebook the employees were deprived of higher earnings while working on national holidays, as well as maternity allowance, pay for overtime work and work on Sundays were not true either.
Izvor: Beta
Foto: Beta