NEW MEASURES: Working hours of coffee shops are decreased

At today’s session of the Crisis Staff, it was decided that all facilities can work until 11 pm as of tomorrow, including those that have garden areas and longer working hours.

„Now is the key moment to respect preventive measures, the largest number of patients is from the territory of ​​the City of Belgrade. No matter how long the pandemic lasts, we must be patient, responsible and conscientious, we must respect all measures. We are recording a slight upward trend, but now is the moment when we must react, for each of us to make an individual contribution,“ said Darija Kisic Tepavcevic.

Kisic Tepavcevic reiterated that the limit on the number of people indoors is up to 30 people. She emphasized that there was no talk of closing Belgrade at the session.

Izvor: BIZLife

Foto: Pixabay

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