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    Nedimovic on sale of 4,000 hectares to Slovenians: Land bought by SERBIAN COMPANY

    Minister of Agriculture Branislav Nedimovic says that the state has nothing to do with the sale of 4,000 hectares of land in Vojvodina to the Slovenian Login married couple.

    Regarding the request to publish the contract with the Slovenian company sent to him by the party Alliance of 90 Greens of Serbia, Nedimovic told the BIZLife portal that the state had nothing to do with the sale and that he only said that they would deal with organic production.

    „They bought it three or four years ago. This is a purchase of private land by a Serbian company, registered in Serbia,“ Nedimovic said.

    According to him, the only thing the state has to do with in this case is the fact that the land will soon be certified.

    „The only thing that has to do with the state is that on October 15, this land will be certified, i.e. converted from land for conventional production to organic one, this is the task of the state,“ the Minister of Agriculture said.

    A few days ago, the Alliance of 90 Greens of Serbia party asked Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimovic to publish the contract with the Slovenian company to which the land covering approximately 4,000 hectares in Banat was sold, and they asked the Serbian government to urgently pass a law on prohibiting the sale of land to foreign citizens.

    The married couple, Iza and Samo Login, the owners of the Outfit 7 company, as the media reported, bought 3,800 hectares of land in Banat in order to take up organic production.

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: Beta

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