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    Najslađa osveta: Banka odbila da mu da kredit, 18 godina kasnije je kupio!

    Adam Diring (39) kupio je zgradu banke koja je odbila da mu da kredit kako bi započeo posao uz obrazloženje da je „vrlo mlad i neiskusan“.

    „Tako sam prošle nedelje kupio zgradu banke za 450.000 funti u kojoj sam odbijen za kredit od 10.000 funti u 21. godini!“, napisao je britanski biznismen na svom nalogu na Instagramu.


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    Big thanks to @ladbible for writing this story. 🙌🏻 . . So last week I bought the bank building where I got knocked back for a loan at 21 years old! 🙌🏻😂 . . So when I was a broke ass 21 year old I had a dream to work for myself and setup my own business! 👍🏻 . . I created a business plan, made an appointment with the bank manager to speak about setting up and account and getting a business loan, before I went into the bank I prayed as I had zero cash and had no idea how I would realise my dream without it. 💯 . . I sat down with my fingers and toes crossed and the woman who was the bank manager took my business plan went through it quickly and in a really patronisingly tone said the problem is Adam you are a bit young and you have no business experience. This isn’t something we can do at this stage. 🤦🏻‍♂️😫 . . My heart sank, I felt humiliated, frustrated and sad. I had no plan B. 💔 😢 . . I had already quit my job and had managed to scrape enough money together to pay the first quarters rent and I got a phone-line off BT which was on 30 days credit terms. . . I didn’t have any money to buy a desk or chair so as a result I spent 4 months on the floor with the phone off BT and the Thompson Local. 😊 . . No marketing budget, no Google or Social media to even advertise in, just a burning desire to succeed! 🔥 . . So I bought the bank building where they declined me for the £10K business loan! 🙌🏻 . . For me this was a great day! 🤩 . . Remember your current situation is never your final destination! ✊🏻💪🏻 . . #findtheaction

    A post shared by Adam Deering (@adam_deering) on

    Pre skoro dve decenije Adam napravio je biznis plan i ugovorio sastanak sa menadžerom banke u gradu Urmston kako bi razgovarao o tome kako da otvori račun i dobije poslovni zajam.

    „Pre ulaska u banku molio sam se jer nisam imao gotovine i nisam imao pojma kako ću ostvariti svoj san bez toga“, objašnjava Adam. Međutim, nakon što je letimičnog pogleda na poslovni plan preduzetnika, žena koja je u to vreme bila menadžer odbila je da mu da kredit.

    „Vrlo snishodljivim tonom rekla je da je problem što je Adam malo mlad i nema poslovnog iskustva. To nije nešto što možemo učiniti u ovoj fazi, rekla je“, kaže preduzetnik.


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    I’m looking forward to 2020! It’s going to be my best year ever! I can feeelllll itttttt! ✊🏻💪🏻 . . I’ve learnt a lot in 2019 so I’ll be entering 2020 wiser, smarter and more ready than ever before! 🙌🏻 . . I’ve learnt who I can’t trust and more importantly who I can, lost some old friends but made many more new. Top of my list though is my personal growth and I can honestly say I’ve learnt more this year spiritually and intellectually than any other year in my life! 💯 . . I’ve learnt to invest my time and energy into what I love and who I love, if you are not doing this then you are wasting your time! Focus on what you are passionate about and who you have passion for!🙏🏻❤️ . . Life is far too short to be doing shit you don’t like doing with people you don’t want to be doing it with! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ . . You don’t have to have it all figured out on January the 1st you just need to be courageous and ready to take MASSIVE ACTION and MAKE DAMN SURE it’s going to be your best year yet! It’s all on YOU!💪🏻 . . Positive change is what’s needed now in 2020! You can’t do epic stuff with basic people or a basic mindset! Focus and aim high! 🙌🏻🚀 . . I’m going to re-write my story again next year and it’s going to be awesome! YOU should too! ✊🏻🔥 . . #findtheaction

    A post shared by Adam Deering (@adam_deering) on

    U tom trenutku Adam se osećao „poniženo, frustrirano i tužno“ i najgore od svega je što nije imao plan B. Biznismen je već napustio posao i sa ušteđevinom je platio tromesečnu kiriju za kancelariju i telefonsku liniju za pozivanje potencijalnih kupaca.

    „Nisam imao novca da kupim sto ili stolicu, pa sam proveo 4 meseca na podu“, piše Adam.

    Uprkos problemima, ovaj preduzetnik je uspeo da razvije svoju kompaniju za upravljanje dugovima i štednjom i 2014. godine je prodao za 5 miliona funti (6,4 miliona dolara). Adam je sada ugledni biznismen i motivacioni govornik.

    Zgrada banke koju je kupio biće potpuno renovirana i dobiće novu namenu – izgradiće se osam stanova i jedna prodajna jedinica na tom mestu.

    Izvor: BIZlife

    Foto: screenshot

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