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    Ministry of Energy: Delay in heating season was not discussed

    The Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia has announced that it has not held talks with any heating plant on postponing the beginning of the heating season, and if there are arguments for such a proposal, it is ready to discuss it.

    „We emphasize that the energy system is complex and that when consumers cannot count on one source of energy, in this case the district heating system, they opt for another, which is usually electricity, and this can significantly burden the entire energy system,“ the ministry said, on the occasion of the announcement in the media that the beginning of the heating season would be postponed from October 15 to October 31.

    It is recalled that the Ministry of Mining and Energy manages the task force for monitoring the security of supply with energy and energy products, which includes representatives of the business association „Heating Plants of Serbia“, as well as the representatives of PUC „Beogradske elektrane“, among other energy entities.

    According to the information, as announced by the ministry, presented at the sessions of the task force, heating plants in Serbia are ready for the heating season and sufficient quantities of energy products are provided.

    The Energy Act, as stated, stipulates that an energy entity distributes thermal energy under the conditions set out in that Act and the regulations adopted by the local self-government unit (LSGU).

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Pixabay

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