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    IT IS DECIDED: Everything CLOSES at 6 pm, masks are MANDATORY

    The Government of Serbia has prescribed new measures, which will be in force from Tuesday morning over the next ten days, and the first of them is the shortening of working hours until 6 pm for restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, sportsbooks and shopping malls.

    The second measure is the obligatory and unconditional use of personal protective equipment, i.e. wearing a protective mask, indoors, as well as outdoors in those situations where interpersonal contact cannot be avoided.

    This is followed by a ban on all public gatherings with the presence of more than five people, indoors and outdoors.

    Work organizations, schools, shops, shopping malls and similar facilities are excluded from this measure and they are subject to the prescribed limit on the number of people present at all times in relation to the square footage of the facility – i.e. a minimum of four square meters per person.

    The government has also prescribed the provision of work from home to all employees whose work process allows it.

    Izvor: Sputnjik, Tanjug

    Foto: BIZlife

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