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    Food and non-alcoholic beverages in Serbia are the MOST EXPENSIVE in the region

    In Serbia, food and non-alcoholic beverages are the most expensive in the region, while among the members of the European Union, the prices of these products are the highest in Luxembourg, according to the European Statistical Agency Eurostat.

    Prices of consumer goods and services in Serbia are at the level of 60 percent of the EU average, according to Eurostat’s data for 2021.

    Food and beverages are 15 percent cheaper than the European average, but more expensive than in Albania (82.6 percent of the EU average), Montenegro (81.5 percent), Bosnia and Herzegovina (78.4 percent) and North Macedonia (64.2 percent).

    Serbia also has the highest prices of electronic devices in the region and the EU, 19% higher than the European average. In Europe, these products are more expensive only in Iceland and Norway.

    Izvor: Beta

    Foto: Pixabay

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