FIRST TIME: Covid patient in Bezanijska kosa Hospital saved by ECMO
In the Clinical-Hospital Centre Bezanijska kosa, for the first time, a covid positive patient was placed on the device that replaces the lungs.
That was the only option, because the patient no longer responded to any type of treatment. The patient is 31 years old and has not been vaccinated. He has been positive for 28 days, and he has been in this institution for twelve days.
The ventilator could no longer help him, so doctors decided to connect him to the ECMO machine.
Dr. Marija Zdravković, director of Clinical-Hospital Centre Bezanijska kosa, says for RTS that the patient is now excellent and that his saturation has increased to 96 and 97.
„Before he was placed on the device, his saturation ranged from 78 to 80, and we had to find a solution, with all the treatment measures, because there was a negative sequence of events, he had a bad reaction to the ventilator,“ says Dr. Zdravkovic.
The essence of this device, the doctor points out, is that it replaces the lungs until they heal on their own, because, as she says, it is very important to find a new type of ventilation for those patients in whom the lungs have not healed from covid.
„It is the most modern device in the world when it comes to replacing both the heart and the lungs, but it cannot replace the heart and the lungs at the same time, it can replace either one or the other,“ the doctor explains.
She says that the patient’s recovery time is individual, and it is estimated at two to four weeks.
According to her, this is the first time that such a device has been used for a patient in the Clinical Hospital Centre Bezanijska kosa. Before, such patients had to go to the Institute for Lung Diseases „Sremska Kamenica“.
„We have now introduced this method of treatment into the regular procedure,“ said Dr. Zdravkovic and she thanked the doctors for their cooperation, as well as the Ministry of Health for its support.
Izvor: RTS
Foto: Beta