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    3 things that INCREASED MOST IN PRICE in Serbia in a year

    Consumer prices in May this year increased by an average of 10.4 percent compared to May last year, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia said.

    In a year, food went up by 16.2 percent.

    „First place“ among the groceries continues to be occupied by the price of coffee, tea and cocoa, which rose by 25 percent.

    From May last year to May this year, meat rose in price by 21.3 percent, while vegetable prices increased by 15 percent. Fish, as well as oils and lard rose by 17.5% and bread and cereals by 16.8%.

    Milk, cheese and eggs, according to statistics, went up by 15.4 percent.

    Fuel and lubricants for passenger vehicles went up by 23.2 percent over the year, while vehicle use and maintenance went up by 19.5 percent.

    Newspapers and magazines have increased in price by an average of 32% in 12 months.

    According to the statement of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, compared to December 2021, prices of consumer products and services increased by an average of 5.6 percent.

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: Pixabay

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