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    17,000 young people apply for „My First Salary“ program: What are the next steps?

    In the third cycle of the „My First Salary“ program, more than 17,000 young people applied, 60 percent of them women, for about 12,000 jobs, which were offered by 7,500 employers.

    As of today, the contact with potential employers begins, during which companies will select the best candidates. The program provides support for the employment of young people under the age of 30, without work experience with at least a high school education, the SCC said.

    Two weeks after the contact, final lists of employers and candidates will be formed and available on the website

    Within 15 days from the date of publication of these lists, contracts will be signed between the National Employment Service, the employer and the selected candidates. Candidates will enter companies where they will acquire their first work experience, necessary knowledge and skills by the end of December at the latest.

    The „My First Salary“ program lasts nine months, during which the National Employment Service will pay RSD 25,000 to candidates with completed secondary school, and RSD 30,000 to those with higher education.

    Izvor: BIZLife

    Foto: Unplash/Pixels

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